Coolum HeARTs Donation​​
Our facilitators are also incredibly fun and talented! They empower Coolum HeARTs activities that interest them as well as our participants, whether it's mosaic, art, empowerment, womans and mens resilient, yoga, choir and singing or drumming we have it all!
Get Involved Today!
If you're unable to donate online and prefer to pay by cash/bank deposit or cheque - you will need to contact us directly to obtain our banking details and setup a direct deposit.
Account Name: Coolum Hearts
Account #:
For cash deposits: you will need to take your cash and coins to your local bank of choice, where you will be prompted to deposit the coins/cash into an ATM or with a bank teller. Once you've deposited the cash, the ATM or bank teller will request for The Coolum HeARTs bank details. Our bank details are outlined below.